Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So Far, So Good

Random observations, things to work on and blackmail pictures for your viewing pleasure.  You're welcome.

Be gracious; complaining doesn't get you anywhere unless you've nicked an artery
Accept help;  the feeling of being needed in a crisis is powerful and healing.
Do something, anything, but don't intrude;  No means no.  When your mouth is open, your ears are closed.
Friendship;  Those that will look at you and really see you, know you and love you in spite of becoming an Idiot Savant.
Humor;  there is no point in being Eeyore and I'm funnier on paper.
Limit negativity; I don't care about your friends' head injury that turned into a coma turned into a goiter.
 Money isn't it;  I know a couple of very unhappy people who have all that money can buy, except true friendship and a happy life.  Thank god I'm not one of them.
Perfection;  who really cares if Gus leaves pawprints on the floor?  This is life, not a photo shoot for Sunset Magazine.  My house is my nest and I love it.
Hyper organize;  I've had to actually create lists and keep track.  More than I ever have.  It forces me to slow down and pay attention to one task at a time and I really like this.

    Barn warming party
    Sun Mountain hike
    Real friends will do anything.  Especially after shots of tequila.

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