Monday, May 9, 2011

No Whining

I just realized that many of you don't care about my poop, so I am going to factually list how I'm doing as of today, because that's what most folks ask.  I am, if nothing, obliging to a fault.


1.  I am sleeping through the night just fine.
2.  My face (sinus) hurts because I still have an infection.  I will start a new round of antibiotics today, Septra, because my culture came back inconclusive, but not MRSA. I also need probiotics to get rid of the related yeast infection.
3.  I'm getting some feeling back along my nose scar and the tip of my nose.  My upper lip is completely numb and still quite swollen.  The scar looks bad because I am using "Scar Fade" which causes it to peel, but it doesn't hurt.
4.  My teeth hurt and I have an open sore at the gumline.
5.  My shoulder hurts, but I'm not doing an MRI until this infection is under control.
6.  I am dizzy and have lost 10 lbs because I can't eat much and I'm nauseous.
7.  Back on pain pills for now.
8.  I pooped today.


1.  I am remembering more and more, like how to do bills, pay taxes, and even remembered Denny's social security number.
2.  I am pissed off at lots of different things, but mostly at lack of control.

Those are just the facts, ma'am.

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