Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Can Has Cheezburger?

Enough about me, let's talk some more about me, shall we?  Here are some highlights  from today's adventures in Heidi HOrse Kick World:

1.  I pooped.
2.  I wore my sling like a good girl and it helped.
3.  I took only Aleve for pain and no nausea meds at all!!
4.  Sharon V. took my mom to the vet, I mean, doctor and then brought her to visit me.
5.  I put Mom to work doing laundry and loading the dishwasher and now she will never visit me again;  mission accomplished.
6.  I ate a cheeseburger, courtesy of Suzy and her cutting it into small bites, but not in a blender OR enema.
7.  I hired a guy to come scoop poop and clean the barn daily, alleviating His Highness of any stinky horse business
8.  I got great funny emails and nice cards from my GWGA girls. (Glendale Womens' Golf Assoc)
9.  My goddess neighbor, Lynn,  came over and helped me put ointment on Cody AND THEN took her out to graze on some fresh grass
              ummm, I went to the Tack Store to buy stuff for my horse.....

Okay, I drove like a hunchbacked 90 year old woman that went 10 miles below the speed limit but I just pretended like I was drunk.  Now, I know you know what that means and I'm willing to bet that every one of you has done it.  It's not right, but we've all done it.  You know, turn off the radio, turn on the A/C, pretend like there is a cop behind you and drive perfect.  That's what I did.

So if you see a blue car with the window decal "Cowgirl Up" and a grinning fool at the wheel, don't honk or you'll scare the shit out of me. 

Off to the doctor tomorrow to gloat about my recovery, no thanks to his fancy-schmancy medical degree.  Today, it's good to be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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