Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Finger Painting

Saw the ENT today to suitably impress him with my progress.  The only weird thing that has come up is the wonky taste in my mouth, just the back half of my tongue.  He said it was normal, and would come back when the nerve healed but sweet things, including chocolate, taste like copper.  Not all that tasty.  I guess it could be worse. 

I took no ibuprofen today and my neck feels fine.  I get an occasional twinge in my shoulder, but way better than last week and certainly WAY better than before that.  My only real issue of the day is a lack of pole bean plants, but I shall overcome that dilemma soon, never fear.

My new drawings were done on Penultimate on my I-Pad, but with my finger, not the stylus.  It is very difficult to draw an eyeball with just a finger, so I have commanded the Mister to give up his stylus which is at his office.  At least he'll have a hope of looking better on paper that way.

Isn't it funny that "Colon" makes up "Colonel"?  I think so.

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