Thursday, June 2, 2011

Captain Underpants

A generally fine day, overall, in the health department.  Because I've been sleeping fairly upright which consists of two pillows, a neck pillow and a large pillow propped on my left side, I think the vertigo has somewhat subsided.  I am able to do my 20 minutes of PT twice a day fairly well, but it is taxing.  You try this-  grab a sofa cushion, stand on it, toe to heel and close your eyes for 30 seconds.  Yeah, not so easy, right?

The other PT for my shoulder was good, too, he was amazed at how well I'd improved, so he thought we'd celebrate by hooking my shoulder to battery cables and jolting them while icing the whole bloody package.  What kind of a recovery plan is that?  So now I'm all sore and will consider 1/2 pain pill before long.  Washed down with a glass of Prosecco, so there.  Hey SAV, did you know Prosecco is only 20 calories per glass, so you can down a bottle, guilt free!!  A little shout out to my peep, you're welcome.

I got the coolest gift today from my pal, Kirsten.  She also made me a meatloaf, which is awesome, because I was wondering what I'd have to do for dinner the next couple of nights with the Colonel gone and now I have it!!!  Anyway, the coolest gift is: 

Yup, a real underwear hat.  I don't have to wear the Mister's underwear anymore when I go out.  It's so cool to have friends who know what I really like.

More underwear wearing pictures: 

Yes, it is Gus, wearing a shirt because I made the mistake of having him shorn in April when it still was 30 degrees and he is wearing the Mister's underwear because it was 30 degrees and I was bored.  He seemed to like it, but he doesn't like them on his head so much.

Do you know that I once registered and paid for the website domain, for a year? 
I did. Way back when Al Gore invented the internet. 

1 comment:

The Mister said...

OK, that's it. I've changed my last name and erased all of my pictures from the computer from fear of what will be posted next. Thank Gawd there's no skid marks on the underwear.