Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The War Has Begun

Nearly every day, Gus and I go for a short walk through the park, sometimes a long one depending on the weather.  Every time, for the past few months, we see a coyote.  He is quite brave, stopping to stare and then run. There is a smaller one, too, but I've only seen it twice and have heard both of them frequently at night.  I hear them with ear plugs in because DogGus likes to sing along loudly and quite out of key.

I just went out to scoop milk duds (min horse droppings) and Gus' gifts.  There, middle of the lawn;  headless rabbit.  Gus ran over to it, sniffed it and immediately went into a rabid rage of barking, bouncing, howling.  Oh, yeah, baby, you think you gonna come on my territory and leave something like that?!?!!  Yeah, who you think you are, Coyote Corleone? 

He ran over to the gate and pooped.  I tossed the headless warning into the blackberries across the way.  Ick.

It's on.....

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