Monday, October 17, 2011

Driving Drunk, Again

I'm pretty good at it.  I'm ever so careful, no music, no coffee, no distractions and exactly 2 miles below the speed limit.  Of course, this is to go .8 miles to the store and back in the 25 mph school zone, but still, I'm out of the house.

I have an appointment to go see my Vet today to determine if I have an ear or sinus infection which is causing the vertigo and I will drive carefully, again.  The mammogram lady already yelled at me for driving and I am still stinging from that and I'm sure she crushed my boob extra hard for emphasis.

Gus went to the Vet this morning with the Mister, but it was all good;  he had acupuncture again.  He is now sleeping peacefully and seems quite content. 

My daughter-in-law brought these pictures on Saturday that she had taken when he was so little. 

He fit in my lap for about three days!!

And his head is now bigger than the Colonels'.

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