Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Stitch in Time

I will see various doctors this week;  my dermatologist for my six month scan, the acupuncturist for my weekly pokes and a new ENT for a scope up the nose.  Maybe the Calidora nurse for some major nose Botox, I'm not sure.

At my last fun visit with the derm, I had the baseline full body scan.  He of course, offered to burn offending things off or scalp them and I picked and chose those items.  One of these weird things was on my toe, on top of a 33 year old bunion scar.  It would get red and bumpy and then go away after awhile.  It wasn't cancerous and I didn't want the bother of a bandaid and scab to deal with.  On this past Saturday, it was back and I touched it and it felt like a hair was stuck.  I grabbed a magnifying glass and tweezers and pulled out a quarter inch stitch!  Yes-  this whole time, an errant piece of nylon was trying to break free!  Utterly earth shattering, I'm sure you agree. 

It is so very reassuring to know that my body will do what it will to remain healthy, even if it takes a long, long, time.

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