Monday, July 8, 2013

Well, Lookee Here

Yes, it has been a very long time.  I have received many comments (okay, two) about me not updating this pitiful way of communicating to basically a couple of stalkers, but okay, I really don't want to disappoint ALL those fans.

Been busy, okay?  Like hanging in real life with real people doing real stuff.  Short summary in list form:

1.  Stopped taking woo-woo drugs for my face except for an Ibuprofen Plus pill called Meloxicam with has helped with my hip pain from golfing, not so much the face pain, but at least I'm awake enough to actually golf.  It especially hurts when the weather changes, so I guess it's one more step toward becoming older than duct tape.

2.  Went to Italy for three weeks with a great bunch of people and had a truly amazing time.  It was one of the best trips because we stayed in a tiny village and met locals and walked all over the place.  I lost weight while stuffing my face and drinking copiously!  I'm trying to maintain this habit and so far staying steady because:

3.  The Colonel and I have a new workout Nazi named Dave.  He almost killed us the first couple of sessions, but we are paying him to rough us up.  I've not sweated this much since my honeymoon (you are welcome for the visual).

4.  Trusty and I have revamped our therapy work at Assisted Living and Camp Korey.  We had a scary moment with a severely autistic girl who had two handlers last year.  I should have anticipated trouble when she showed up with three people this time.  She was quite taken with my beast and showed her wonderful affection by pulling his tail, grabbing his legs and leaping on him (all 100 lb+).  I was somewhat sorry to have to tackle her to get her off, but nobody else did and after all, I tackled my brother's pit bull when he was attacking, and I figured her jaws were smaller.  He remained calm and continued eating grass, trooper that he is.

5.  We have lived through a house residing, complete with free electrical problems consisting of intermittent washing machine episodes, freezing showers, non working hot tub and my favorite for the past two weeks, Internet failure.  All this as a package deal!  Fortunately, Mr. McGiver has restored us to almost new.  Now we have house painters providing exciting barking opportunities for DogGus Dorkus.

6.  Speaking of DogGus Dorkus, he is also now AllerGus  Maximus Biteus.  According to the stupidly expensive dermatologist, he has should be responding to shots, diet and wishful thinking by now.  Nope.  He has chewed himself raw, except when we go to Mazama.  There, he is fine, except for the cheat grass that seems attracted to his feet every year.  We are truly at our wits' end.  I have been giving him Benadryl, Cortisone, Prednisone, weekly allergy shots, twice weekly baths, silver topical spray and old, deaf cats.  Okay, no cats, just checking to see if you're paying attention.

So there you go.  Are you happy now?  Did I leave anything out?  If so, I shall try to make up something and post it, because, I am, your ever popular blogger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy as a clam