Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dairy Crisis

I usually watch the news at noon if I'm home.  Today, the news was on ALL DAY.  Snow, ice, danger, power loss, male pattern baldness, end of days.

STATE OF EMERGENCY.  Yes, that is what we have.  And the reason why?  Straight from the Governor's mouth:  "Dairy truckers are restricted to certain hours based on trucking regulations.  The state is potentially losing $1 million dollars a day in lost milk.  We must declare a state of emergency to override the state trucking statutes and invoke a federal law."  This is what she said today.

Really?  All over milk?  I say, dump the milk into the snow and make lots of ice cream!!  Winning!!

And to think the Colonel wanted to go to Mazama this week.  We have more snow here than there, and I am so over it.

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