I was standing next to the beast at his shoulder while he grazed. I watched my friend Allison (I'm leasing her mare Cody) and her two year old daughter riding away down the trail while I was getting ready to lunge Bombay in the arena. This is what I remember: They turned and waved, I waved back. Said beast jumped, I woke up in an ambulance with handsome men cutting off my clothes.
Allison told me that they stopped, turned back and saw me lifeless and bloody on the ground with the daft creature jumping about. She dismounted and pulled her daughter off and ordered both to stand still while tending to me. They did this for as long as two ambulances took to get to me and load me up, which I find amazing.
We believe that my young gelding is so much in love with my new alpha mare that he would stop at nothing to go with her, including rearing up and knocking me aside. The hoof pattern and upwards slicing pattern on my face appears to back this up. He hadn't been out for a couple weeks and clearly was feeling his oats. He also absolutely loves the mare, even though he's gelded and probably paniced at the thought of her leaving him. You know, kinda like what Mister is like with me. HE IS NOT A BAD HORSE. He did what herd animals do and it's my fault for not realizing this might happen.
How am I doing now? Well, I look pretty damn good for having my nose relocated and lots of broken facial bones and my upper lip sewn to my gumline. 41 stitches out, about 30 dissolving inside my mouth. Starting to get some feeling back in my nose and starting to chew a bit. Shoulder is feeling pretty good with just Advil now. I overdid it yesterday and got all cranky and instead of saying my usual, "You're not the boss of me," I burst into tears. Contacting my doctor reminded me that I also suffered a severe head injury. I forgot that part, which is also a symptom of severe head injuries. She also said, get rid of stressors in your life as much as you can, NOW.
What about the horse, now known as Elmer? My wonderful friend, Allison, found a really good home for him and I was all set to bring him there and then freaked out last night. It's too much, too soon. My other wonderful horsey friend, Marla Gese, owner of Lord Hill Stables, http://www.lordhillstables.com/ (shameless plug for the best boarding facility in town and I should know- I live in the middle of lots of them, including my own). Anyway, Marla has graciously offered to take Elmer to her place and put him through his paces to get him settled down and see about where he might best fit. More info on that later, but he is definitely finding a new home.
So, I'm home in my comfy clothes, watching some weird ass TV and I have an incredible team of support headed up by Sharon Vanderslice, a long time golfing buddy and Care Concierge to the stars. She is also providing care to my Mom while I can't drive, which is a huge deal to me because I normally see her almost daily. I'm obviously bored, too, because many of you are on FB and see pictures of the Mister's socks and my wax lips.
I'll be seeing my future husband tomorrow, Dr. Brian McIntosh, to get a further update. Dude has the nicest skin of anyone I've ever met and such bedside manner! Oy vey, I'm svitching, so must close for now.
Thank you all for your good wishes and thoughts.
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