Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Just a Big-Ass Rollercoaster

I want to get this entry in before my next go around for BPPV today.  The last two days have been miserable with the nausea and having to sleep upright and the drugs associated with it.  I'm not able to write or read without spinning, but I find that I can boss men and animals around just fine.

My friend Lynne came over with lunch yesterday and told me she tried to find something that appeared pre chewed since I'm still on the Soft Meat Senior Diet.  Very thoughtful, that one.  She also coined a term for my vertigo therapy which I will now shamelessly adopt because it is accurate.  The Vomit Comet.  Yup, just buckle up and get ready to hurl.  This time, I am pre-medicating with anti-nausea meds AND a whole pain pill.  I'm hoping to avoid the resulting vicious headache that comes from too much fun.  On the way back from my appointment on Tuesday, I asked the Mister if he had any poop bags (for the dog, not me!!).  He said he didn't and I was panicked because I thought I might spew.  He said, use your purse.  I believe the ringing in my ears distorted my actually hearing this man say, "Puke in your $400 Kate Spade purse."  I grabbed his $2.99 car garbage bag instead.  Dork.

Bless Julie Grove of the Pacific Balance and Rehab clinic, she is leaving her classroom at the UW just to see me today as she has said I'm probably the worst case she's ever seen.  She's not easy to see, and made sure that I got six more appointments, to the detriment of other patients, I'm sorry to say.  Once again, another notch in my quest for fame and fortune.

Saw the wonderful Dr. Bryan McIntosh to get some stitches out this morning.  Always a highlight of my life because he is so caring, warm and very funny.  He told me he had a bout of BPPV during his third year of residency!!  The man totally feels my pain.  Well, except for yanking out gum line stitches and instructing me how to massage my lip really hard, so that it would break up the scar, but I forgive him.  What I like best is that he always asks if I need samples or drugs.  Isn't he dreamy???  I think so.  He also said I needed to check out his Facebook page because there was a funny post from one of his fans regarding my blog:

Bessie Fleming-Ament Reading that was better than a kick in the head :) 

Well, Bessie, if you're happy, I'm happy and my work is done here.

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