Mom |
I know, what up with the picture of the old lady? I just thought you might want to see what I would look like with my latest horse injury, circa year 2033, when I'm 80. She's a tough cookie, too, that one. This was last year, while undergoing a routine test; she is not sick right now. Just me.
Wish I could say everything is just ducky, but that would be only my upper lip. I do, I look like a duck which is why there is no closeups. I actually wore my red wax lips to see my doctor yesterday and he said, without missing a beat, "Let's talk about that scar on your nose." My kind of guy, nothing surprises him. He said my injury virtually destroyed my upper lip which is why it's now stitched to my gumline. The new medicine he gave me causes it to peel, yet another attractive feature I hadn't anticipated.
I phoned him this morning to ask about using a Neti Pot, as the ENT suggested, and to find out if I could blow my nose. He told me not to put peas up my nose. What can go wrong with that quality of care and advice?
I now have two theories about my tongue, both of which can be blamed on Denny. Perhaps the fact that he won't shave my legs for me and they're really furry, it's migrated to my mouth. The other theory is that the socks that magically jump in the hamper actually jumped in my mouth. Mind you, these are untested theories, I'm not quite ready to publish the findings yet.
Been in bed all day, sleeping on and off with a large bear rug resembling a dog. A past coworker, Kim, emailed me and teased me about a Jamba Juice Orange Dream, so I made her bring me one. Don't worry, I vow to use my powers only for good. My good friend Suzy came over and brought lunch for me, dinner for the Mister and walked the dog. Then, Allison came by with Good Medicine, Audrey. She's so wonderful, she just goes out and scoops poop. Must be something about diapers because she doesn't seem to mind it. Audrey is the brave girl who held Cody during all the excitement. We sat in bed and watched a little Sponge Bob together, good times. Then, the guys from the Issaquah Grange stopped by with a ton of hay and gave me a card, signed by all the employees!! I'm not sure to be happy or sad that they actually know me so well at the Grange Supply. Really nice folks, I love it there.
Okay, gotta rest now and save my strength to boss the Mister.
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