Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Time Has Come

Yes, it is time.  Why now?  Well, why indeed.  Probably because the coloring books are not working as a new hobby;  I keep losing my 50 cent pencil sharpener and then I can't color with my favorite colors and then waaaahhh...

Also, it is a good time to complain.  DogGus is old and has pneumonia.  Antibiotics are helping that, but he also has arthritis and the Gabapentin is causing loss of coordination and extreme drowsiness.  He is supposed to get up and move to expand his lungs, so that's not happening.  A few times a day, I put a bunched towel around his hips and lift his big ass up to move or go outside to pee and hopefully poop.  He usually can eliminate, but then lays down on the wet ground.  I would make the Mister do it, but of course, he's old and injured and in the way, too.

He has been so gung ho in Mazama with farm chores and splitting wood and killing bees that he has torn his bicep.  He drove back with the horses and had pain that night, not sleeping.  Yesterday, the went to his primary doctor who prescribed Vicodin, but that didn't touch it.  No sleep last night, even with the pot I gave him.  He went to urgent care and received more drugs.  He drove himself and when he got back, it was obvious that the drugs had kicked in.  He told me that he could put a "moist compost" on his arm.  He knows I hate the word, "moist", so he kept saying it.  I said that all I had was warm horse poop, but that was close to compost, so it would have to do.  It was lost on him, so I decided to turn to my faithful blog audience for meager appreciation.

The third fun event is the STORM OF THE CENTURY.  Oh, the terror, oh, the humanity that will suffer.  At least it is a diversion from Chump.  I do appreciate the Mister and his Captain Safety ways now.  We have full gas tanks, an automatic generator, food and water for three months and now, loads of pain pills.  I guess life doesn't suck too much when you have an abundance of essential stuff.

When the power goes out, we shall be comfy warm, with lights and books and be able to watch our collection of DVDs.  The best, shining, brightest news of all is that I found, "The Essential Duck Calling Guide", which we can now practice together as the winds howl and buffet our safe space.

Welcome back, y'all.

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