Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yo, A Little Privacy Here?

This was a rather clever email exchange with a friend from New York.  She had been interviewed on the news regarding the NY Marathon and gave a fake name of Kirby Smith last week.

Pretty much sums up my life, lately.

From: Heidi Weston  

Personally, I get hung up on Void. Must be the "oi" sound, oy vey. The Mister actually recommended Poise thongs to aid in the prevention of VPL just last night. Great minds think alike.

I will tell her and she will be sure to say, "Thank you and greetings as well", because she is polite like that. Yes, she is in a good spot and I am bringing the wee bison beast down for a visit with his buddy the Mastiff, Harrison. It shall be his last official visit this year, 'cuz Homey aint down for cleaning mud and shit (literally) from those ever so darling hooves.

From: SAS
Nobody's ready for sensible, I'm with your mom. And, I think Poise cause less of a VPL, right? I just like saying the word "poise" ... it sounds funny. Poise Poise Poise, great now I can't stop. Is your mom still in that place she likes? I can't remember if she's moved recently. Give her a "hey" for me even though she doesn't know who I am :)

I'll keep you posted on the move west. Or Donner Party Redux.


From: Heidi Weston

Oh, dear. Not that I love being Public or Pubic, but that is just too much info for random fans. Phew, Safety SAS rides again. Many thanks.

Yes, we are enjoying all Fall things, including power outages and wee hoofprints in mud. The Mister is returning from is annual Murder of Flying Objects, so we shall have provisions in the freezer.

I am escorting my failing Mom out and about. She now has Stage III Parkinsons' and we have moved to a walker. I took her to find shoes yesterday and I told her that heels were now out of her network. She turned to me and said, "But I'm not ready for sensible!" Poor Oma. On the bright side, may I recommend the Poise pads for minor incontinence? We find them better than the pull up Depends, which tend to irritate the skin, now that the color choice of peach has been offered. You're most welcome.

So glad to hear you shall be more near than far. Would so like to see the bright shiny face of Kirby, aka Sasquatch, in the 'hood.



Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 09:55:46 -0800
From: sas
Subject: Facebook Privacy, yo!
To: weston_heidi


Hope this finds you and the mister happy and well and enjoying the loveliness that is Autumn. I'm on the final day of a 3-day Juice Cleanse so am enjoying the loveliness of running to pee every hour, yea.

Hey, check your Facebook settings -- looks like yours may be set to "Public" which means the entire universe, including Uranus, can see your posts. Not sure if this is what you had intended but thought I'd bring it to your attention because I'm here to help.

I'm probably moving back to California next year so we'll at least be in the same time zone, yea!


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