Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sad Sophey

She was not the horse in the picture.  When the trailer pulled up, out stepped a muddy brown, disheveled little horse.  Her feet were long and she had a peculiar gait.  She had her tail in a bag and her forelock was tied into knots.  Upon closer inspection, her ears were covered in black gunk and her eyes and nose runny.  I scraped some mud off and discovered rain rot.  I asked if she had recent vet care and they were proud to tell me she had received the West Nile Virus vaccine last year.  The base of her tail was short and rubbed raw, generally a sign of worms.

Her pronounced club foot was explained as a confirmation flaw, but she seemed okay, except that she laid down alot.  Didn't have time to clean her up and, oh, I couldn't find her paperwork.  They didn't keep a blanket on her because she didn't like it.  From the way she kept biting herself and rubbing, I suspect she has lice.

I noticed a smell of rotting meat in her mouth and was informed that she had never been floated.

What to say, except I can't save them all. 

A very sad day.

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