So I finally decided that all this weird zinging through my cheek and icy cold nostril pain might be worth a look. It's hard to hit a decent fairway shot when your nose feels stung by bees. Turns out there is an official diagnosis: Trigeminal Neuralgia, most commonly occurring post injury to the face. Yes! That would be me! Yes, indeed, please tell me it is real.
It is all good, really, it just means healing, but I thought healing meant more nice feelings in the face, not strange there-is-chicken-caught-between-my-teeth-and-I-must-floss-three-times-a-day. You know that feeling; a big chunk of something hanging there and everyone can see it and you bother it constantly with your tongue. Not sure what is worse, duck lips or chicken chunks.
I got a drug prescribed for seizures and face pain, so I suppose all will be well. I need to wait a few days to see if it works at the lowest dose and then look for those comforting side effects like drowsiness, nose picking, hair loss, hallucinations, lice, vomiting, eyebrow discoloration, insatiable sex drive (you wish, Mister!) and green tongue.
Stay tuned.
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