Thursday, July 14, 2011

Classic Stuisms

Stu da Phew is almost 10 and still pretty funny, but he was quite funny when he was younger.  Mike taught him important words like shock absorber and infrastructure as soon as he could talk.  Nothing important like his name, address or phone number.

Anyway, I kept a collection of funny things he said so I wouldn't forget.  Being the proud aunt (and Mister uncle), we had the important duties of teaching, "Pull My Finger", and assorted good bathroom jokes.  These are all between talking and about four years old. I have cut and pasted some of his finer comments:
Stu said to me, "Sphincter says what?  Heidi says what."  Very funny.

I asked Stu what days he went to preschool.  He said Thursday and I asked what other days.  He replied, "Thursday and then the next Thursday after that." 

Stu called last night. He made me listen to his new DVD. He said it had cars and was called, "Grocery Racer". Lily said it was "Go Speed Racer".

So I had the 'Phew spend the night.  As I was getting his bath ready, he turned to me and said, "Heidi, let's make a deal.  Let's not twist anybody's nipples."  I agreed.

Sitting around the table talking about voting with Stu da Phew and gang the other night.  Stu said to me, "Heidi, I voted."  I aske, "Who did you vote for?"  He replied, "I voted for Canada."

And finally, just this week, he was telling me all about horse camp.  What the horses' names were, how tall, what color and which one they rode, except for one that was in the field because someithing was wrong with it.  I asked him, "Was he lame?"  Stu said, "No, he was pretty cool."

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