While waiting for my shift to start, I glanced toward the stands only to see Dr. Crackem Backem. An interesting note about my chiropractor. You know how doctors and salespeople and my nephew Stu when he learned to talk will constantly say your name when they meet you so they won't forget? Well, every time I see him, he of course says, "Heidi Weston". After about the fourth time, I said, "M. Golden Larson". Mind you, his full name is Matthew Golden Larson, I saw it on his diploma. Now, I say, "M. Golden Larson", before he can say my name, to which he replies, "M.D.". Well, yes, that is a given. I asked him why he has his business cards printed with M. Golden Larson and he said it was a family name. This is also on his door and all advertising. I asked him what his friends call him (you know, expecting "Goldy" or something equally clever). He told me they call him Matt. I'm still puzzling over that.
Anyway, I saw Goldy and he introduced me to his hugely and I mean, HUGELY, pregnant wife. I must have looked surprised to see a hugely pregnant woman sitting on cement bleachers at a Performing Pig show because he said, "We're due in five days". Of course, I blurt out, "But we have an appointment in five days." God, I could so be a celebrity. Me, me, look at the world revolving all about me...
While I was also at the Party in the Park, I randomly looked down and saw this:
I forgot that we had bought a brick a few years ago. It is located at the top of the steps in the bleachers on the north side in case you wanted to look at it, too.
Yet more evidence of my fame.
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