Per usual, I have had a week from hell. Mind you, I knew the Prokera Eye Ring procedure on Monday would be "uncomfortable", which is medical speak for hurts like hell, but after I rubbed my eye in the middle of the night on Wednesday, it went to "holy fuck Jesus, pull the hot poker from my eye or pluck it now". An overdoes of ibuprofen didn't touch it, but thank God that Denny had his desperation stash of Vicodin. That saved me until I ran out, then off to Urgent Care where I said, "Take my eye from me. I have seen unspeakable acts." They gave me more drugs, which was a pretty good response. Two hours later, I had the hot poker ready to smite myself. The Mister drove me to the ER at 3 AM and they said, no way, no how, I'm not touching it, we'll call your ophthalmologist. Well hell, I would have done that, too, but knew he wouldn't answer.
We got home, I slept for about two hours and we drove to the doctor's office until it opened. He took the contact out, gave me numbing drops and said, "Looks like you scratched your cornea." He gave me drops to put in every half hour and I saw him again six hours later. I was wearing a patch (which I should've worn at night, duh) because the light hurts my eye. I saw him twice on Friday, once on Saturday and will see him again on Monday because I need to be able to fly to Hong Kong for our cool SE Asia vacation. I told him that a patch like a pirate would be okay for the cruise part, but he wasn't buying it. Did I mention I got a typhoid shot on Friday, too? Yeah, kinda like a mosquito bite at this point.
I did have a fun exchange with my buddy that has arranged our upcoming adventure. She is used to my shenanigans, so she wasn't too surprised. I believe that it was an epic text exchange, but probably because I'm still on drugs.
You're welcome.